Your task force members wanted to update you on the status of our registry bill, as well as our plan for this session. Here are the newsletters from our last two sessions.

How can you help?

Now is the time to take action!

  • We dropped bill S. 472 and a later companion bill H. 4150 in February 2019
  • We had a successful Hill Day in April (2019) and gained 9 new sponsors
  • We had several meetings with legislators who are anti-regulation and do not support licensure for any profession
  • Chairs of both sub-committees rejected scheduling a hearing for our bill because of either (1) opposition with licensure or (2) they want us to meet with SCSHA prior to the hearing to reconcile any potential opposition
  • Session ended in June

January 2020 marks the 2nd of session of our current bill. What does this mean? This means that if our companion bills do not pass this session then our bills will die and we will need to resubmit a new bill next session (January 2021) and start over. State Task Forces nationwide are seeking some type of recognition for the profession of music therapy. Every states’ type of recognition will look different depending on the culture of that state and how they individually work.

Here are three types of recognition that are utilized for state recognition:

Licensure: includes title protection (cannot practice unless you hold the MT-BC credential), Scope of Practice protection State maintains a list of licensed professions, fees are involved, and an application.

Registry: Offers title protection but not scope of practice protection. The state also maintains a list of all MT-BCs and no one can say they are providing music therapy services without being on the registry with the state.

Title Protection: Does not maintain a list of professionals like registry but it recognizes the field as a profession.

Decision to Amend Our Bill

Your state task force has spent time at the state house and has talked with legislators and it is clear licensure will not work at this time. We have decided to amend our bill to seek a registry bill instead. This does not mean we cannot seek a licensure in the future but for now this is the type of bill that will best fit our state at this time. We will update you when the language in the bill changes and if you have any questions about our endeavors please do not hesitate to contact us.

We still ask you to find your legislators and continue to develop a relationship. Continue to contact your legislators (call or email).

  • Click here to find your STATE representative and STATE senator.
  • Contact your legislators or set up a meeting with your legislator to talk more about how you serve the people in their district and about the importance of professional state recognition.
  • Invite them to your facility or ask if they would like to observe a session (if approved by your facility/client).
  • SHARE or repost SC MT content with your friends.